Prepping for Elevated Style in The New Year

We’re approaching the New Year, which is so exciting! The journal junkie in me is beyond pumped to write out more goals, aspirations, and visions for the New Year.


But, I also like to take time and reflect on the year past and ask myself what worked and what didn’t. I like to be mindful of where my successes were, but also where I could have improved, and what I need to let go of.


Now, of course, you can do this anytime, it doesn’t have to be the NY, but there’s something about the new year that brings this magical, fresh energy, and I’m here for it. 


Grab a piece of paper and pen, because I’m going to give you some journaling prompts that I think are powerful to consider as we approach our New Year.


What was I proud of this year?
What was I disappointed with (as our disappointment can highlight areas for growth)?
What do I want more of in my life?
What will help me move into my next phase powerfully?

What did I love wearing this year? How did it make me feel? 

What made me feel less than?  How did it make me feel?

What energy do I want to embody in my style and life for the new year?


Now, I through those closet questions in because I think a cleansing of sorts is really powerful to go through.. You always hear about the spring/fall closet cleanouts, but what about an energetic clearing of what you’re leaving behind? Our clothing is a physical representation of where we’re at and I think it’s incredibly powerful to shed what no longer serves us. 


And no matter where you are in your journey, no matter what road blocks you’ve encountered, where your style is at, remember – you get to refresh at any time. You always get to decide your vibe and re-calibrate to your desires as often as you like.

If you need any help with this, my Rise Through Style Society is available where we have live monthly trainings, Q&A’s, 3 programs for you to watch and absorb anytime you want to up-level your style and access to all of my past trainings as well. Link in profile.


Wishing you all of the love, success, happiness and abundance for 2021.

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